Funding body: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte Project title: FPU: AYUDAS PARA LA FORMACIÓN DEL PROFESORADO UNIVERSITARIO Principal investigator: Agudo A Ref.: FPU21/06891 Amount awarded: 73389,26 EUR Duration: 2022-2026 State: Awarded
Funding body: AECC Project title: The influence of dietary patterns and physical activity in endometrial cancer: an opportunity for obesity-related cancer prevention Principal investigator: Crous Bou M Ref.: PRYES234791CROU Amount awarded: 144485,19 EUR Duration: 2023-2026 State: Awarded
Funding body: Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugia toràcica Project title: RETOS: Intervención personalizada y cambio de comportamiento en actividad física en supervivientes de cáncer pulmón: estudio piloto Principal investigator: Vilaró J Ref.: 1399 Amount awarded: 12000 EUR Duration: 2023-2026 State: Awarded
Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Project title: Consolidación Investigadora 2023 Principal investigator: Zamora-Ros R Ref.: CNS2023-145176 Amount awarded: 199998,62 EUR Duration: 2024-2026 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Influencia de los patrones de dieta y la actividad física en el cáncer de endometrio: una oportunidad para la prevención del cáncer relacionado con la obesidad. Principal investigator: Crous Bou M Ref.: PI22/00494 Amount awarded: 75020,00 EUR Duration: 2023-2025 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Asociaciones entre la funcionalidad de la HDL, los compuestos fenólicos del aceite de oliva y el riesgo de cáncer de mama. Principal investigator: Zamora-Ros R Co-investigators: Farras M Ref.: PI22/00412 Amount awarded: 135520,00 EUR Duration: 2023-2025 State: Awarded
Funding body: Ajuntament de Barcelona Project title: +ACTIU: co-creación de ciudades activas y saludables para personas con patología crónica Principal investigator: Jakszyn P Co-investigators: Vilaró J Ref.: 20239175025 Amount awarded: 149291 EUR Duration: 2023-2025 State: Awarded
Funding body: Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social Project title: INVESTIGO ayuda per a contractar personal Principal investigator: Zamora-Ros R Amount awarded: 66217,84 EUR Duration: 2023-2025 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Contratos PFIS: Contratos predoctorales de formación en investigación en salud - AES 2020 Principal investigator: Jakszyn P Ref.: FI20/00006 Amount awarded: 82.400 EUR Duration: 2021-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Co-exposición a metales pesados y metaloides, susceptibilidad genética asociada y riesgo de cáncer en la cohorte prospectiva EPIC: el projecto MixMET Principal investigator: Rodriguez M Co-investigators: Molina E Ref.: PI21/01295 Amount awarded: 99220 EUR Duration: 2022-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Project title: Development and validation of a metabolomic score for provegetarian diets and its relationship with metabolic pathways implicated in cancer. The OMIVECA study Principal investigator: Molina, E Ref.: ESP23PI03 Amount awarded: 49600 EUR Duration: 2023-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on health-related lifestyle and quality of life in the elderly and older adults in Spain Principal investigator: Agudo A Ref.: PI21/00521 Amount awarded: 139.755,00 EUR Duration: 2022-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: World Cancer Research Fund International - WCRF Project title: Polyphenols and health outcomes among breast cancer survivors: A prospective biomarker study Principal investigator: Kuhn T Ref.: 2204 Amount awarded: 325,990 GBP Duration: 2022-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: AECC Project title: The role of lifestyle factors and prognosis of breast cancer – Combining epidemiological, clinical and translational evidence Principal investigator: Agudo, A Ref.: PRYES211366AGUD Amount awarded: 134.207,76 EUR Duration: 2021-2025 State: Awarded
Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Project title: - Movilidad de personal investigador contratado en el marco de la AES (M-AES) - AES 2023 Principal investigator: Rizzolo L Ref.: MV23/00075 Amount awarded: 10695 EUR Duration: 2024-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: AECC Project title: Ayuda Programa Prácticas de Laboratorio Principal investigator: Jakszyn P Ref.: PPLAB235681ROS Amount awarded: 3408 EUR Duration: 2023-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Contrato Miguel Servet tipo II Raul Zamora Ros Principal investigator: Zamora-Ros R Ref.: CPII20/00009 Amount awarded: 101.250 EUR Duration: 2021-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Contratos PFIS: Contratos predoctorales de formación en investigación en salud - AES 2019 - ISCIII Principal investigator: Agudo A Ref.: FI19/00197 Amount awarded: 82.400 EUR Duration: 2020-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Project title: Estancias de movilidad en el extranjero «José Castillejo» para jóvenes doctores Principal investigator: Almanza-Aguilera E Ref.: CAS22/00055 Amount awarded: 18332 EUR Duration: 2023-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Contratos postoctorales Sara Borrell - AES 2020 - Principal investigator: Zamora-Ros R Ref.: CD20/00071 Amount awarded: 80.598 EUR Duration: 2021-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Contratos PFIS: Contratos predoctorales de formación en investigación en salud - AES 2019 - ISCIII Principal investigator: Duell EJ Ref.: FI19/00221 Amount awarded: 82.400 EUR Duration: 2020-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Contratos PFIS: Contratos predoctorales de formación en investigación en salud - AES 2019 - ISCIII Principal investigator: Zamora-Ros R Ref.: FI19/00185 Amount awarded: 82.400 EUR Duration: 2020-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: Fundació Marató TV3 Project title: Food bioactive compounds and prostate cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study. Scientific bases for future dietary recommendations. Principal investigator: Zamora-Ros R Ref.: 553/C/2019 Amount awarded: 118.750 EUR Duration: 2020-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: The Peanut Institute Foundation Project title: Audiovisual recipes with peanuts for oncological patients Principal investigator: Tresserra A Co-investigators: Zamora Ros R Amount awarded: $10,000 Duration: 2022-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Project title: MOVILIDAD M-AES Acción Estratégica en Salud 2022 Subprograma Estatal de Movilidad Principal investigator: Gil M Ref.: MV22/00023 Amount awarded: 10235 EUR Duration: 2023-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: Fundació Montcelimar Project title: Beques de Personal Investigador en Formació Beques i Ajuts a l’Estudiant Principal investigator: Castañeda J Ref.: 2005328 Amount awarded: 4180,00 EUR Duration: 2023-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) Project title: MOVILIDAD M-AES Acción Estratégica en Salud 2022 Subprograma Estatal de Movilidad Principal investigator: Castro C Ref.: MV22/00024 Amount awarded: 13915 EUR Duration: 2023-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: Fundació Marató TV3 Project title: Analysis of microbiota patterns linked to pancreatic cancer and their role in host inflammation, oxidative stress, and immune status Principal investigator: Duell EJ Ref.: 603/C/2019 Amount awarded: 300.000 EUR Duration: 2020-2022 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Exposure to mixtures of heavy metals and breast cancer risk in Spain: a causal inference analysis within the EPIC prospective cohort Principal investigator: Rodriguez Barranco M Ref.: P11-2021 Amount awarded: 49.600 EUR Duration: 2021-2022 State: Awarded
Funding body: Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica (SEOM) Project title: Evaluación de un nuevo biomarcador pan-cáncer para mejorar la predicción de respuesta a inmunoterapia Principal investigator: Brunet J Amount awarded: 40000 EUR Duration: 2021-2022 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Calidad de carbohidratos adaptada para control de peso personalizado y salud metabolica Principal investigator: Zamora-Ros R Ref.: AC19/00127 Amount awarded: 99.994 EUR Duration: 2020-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Cancer colorectal y consumo de carnes procesadas. Contenido en nitrosylhemo e implicaciones en la carcinogenesis Principal investigator: Jakszyn P Ref.: PI19/00817 Amount awarded: 56.265 EUR Duration: 2020-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: AGAUR Project title: PRIORITZACIÓ PERIS-Personal de suport Principal investigator: Zamora-Ros R Ref.: SLT017/20/000110 Amount awarded: 85.691 EUR Duration: 2021-2022 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Pronóstico y control de peso en pacientes con cáncer de mama mediante una intervención dedieta y ejercicio Principal investigator: Agudo A Ref.: PI18/00190 Amount awarded: 196.020 EUR Duration: 2019-2022 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Polifenoles dieteticos y sus efectos en los marcadores de obesidad. Investigación traslacional: del estudio epidemiológico observacional al ensayo clinico. Principal investigator: Zamora R Ref.: PI18/00191 Amount awarded: 93.170 EUR Duration: 2019-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: El Microbioma del pancreas y la recurrencia y supervivencia del cancer de pancreas. Principal investigator: Duell E Ref.: PI18/00192 Amount awarded: 107.690 EUR Duration: 2019-2021 State: Awarded
Funding body: EIT Food Project title: Food4Health project MuscleCancer: Tackling Muscle Mass Loss in Cancer Patients Through Nutrition Solutions and Lifestyle Interventions Principal investigator: Mi Lee Y Co-investigators: Zamora-Ros R Ref.: 211182 Cross-KIC Food for Health Amount awarded: 100000 EUR Duration: 2021-2021 State: Awarded
Funding body: The California Walnut Commission Project title: Large Scale Studies of Walnut Consumption and Health in Aging Principal investigator: Grodstein F Co-investigators: Crous-Bou M, De Vivo I Ref.: 720202 Amount awarded: 168,827 USD Duration: 2020-2021 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Clasificación molecular del cáncer gástrico y análisis de la respuesta a los tratamientos médicos utilizados Principal investigator: Sala N Co-investigators: Galan M Ref.: PI16/00599 Amount awarded: 110715 EUR Duration: 2017-2021 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Contracte Miguel Servet Raul Zamora Principal investigator: Zamora R Ref.: MS15/00100 Amount awarded: 202500 EUR Duration: 2016-2021 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Contratos postoctorales Sara Borrell - AES 2020 - Principal investigator: Jakszyn P Ref.: CD20/00047 Amount awarded: 80.598 EUR Duration: 2021-2021 State: Awarded
Funding body: Fundació Marató TV3 Project title: Circulating biomarkers of dietary fat intake and incident ischemic stroke in a Mediterranean population Principal investigator: Sala Vila A Ref.: 39/U/2017 Amount awarded: 160.750 EUR Duration: 2018-2020 State: Awarded
Funding body: Crowfunding Project title: Qué y cómo comemos durante el cáncer Principal investigator: Zamora-Ros R Amount awarded: 3000 EUR Duration: 2019-2020
Funding body: Crowfunding Project title: Qué y cómo comemos durante el cáncer Principal investigator: Zamora-Ros R Amount awarded: 3000 EUR Duration: 2019-2020 State: Awarded
Funding body: Fundació Marató TV3 Project title: Chrono-nutrition and chronotype and their relationship with obesity and type II diabetes in the EPIC Spain cohort study (Chrono-EPIC) Principal investigator: Jakszyn P Ref.: 201604-10 Amount awarded: 199.862,5 EUR Duration: 2017-2020 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Association between exposure to polyphenols and polyphenol-rich foods and differentiated thyroid carcinoma risk in the EPIC study. Principal investigator: Zamora R Ref.: CP15/00100 Amount awarded: 121.500 EUR Duration: 2016-2020 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Potencial inflamatorio de la dieta y riesgo de cáncer de mama, endometrio, esófago, estómago páncreas y colon y recto en la cohorte EPIC Europa Principal investigator: Jakszyn P Ref.: PI15/00639 Amount awarded: 62315 EUR Duration: 2016-2020 State: Awarded