Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Leveraging Genomics and Artificial Intelligence for a Non-Invasive Detection tool for Endometrial Cancer, The Urine Sample Solution (GAIN-EC) Principal investigator: Costas L Ref.: PI23/00790 Amount awarded: 134918,38 EUR Duration: 2024-2026 State: Awarded
Funding body: GEICO Project title: Mutation analysis of circulating tumor DNA in urine samples for disease monitoring in endometrial cancer Principal investigator: Costas L Co-investigators: Ponce J Amount awarded: 25000 EUR Duration: 2024-2025 State: Awarded
Funding body: NCI Project title: Evaluating Differences in Human Papillomavirus Attributable Fraction and Genotype Distribution in Cervical, Anal, Genital and Oropharyngeal Cancers among People with and without HIV infection in South Africa Principal investigator: Jaimie Z. Shing (Staff scientist) , Adino Tsegaye (Postdoctoral Fellow) , Wenlong Carl Chen Co-investigators: Loretto Carvajal , Eric Engels, Meredith Shiels, Danping Liu, Siddharth Roy, Sizeka Mashele, Reubina Wadee, Bianca Da Costa Dias, Adam Botha, Abrie van Wyk, Laia Alemany, Miguel Angel Pavon Ribas, Tim Waterboer Amount awarded: 131.151,64 USD Duration: 2024-2025 State: Awarded
Funding body: AGAUR Project title: GRUP SGR Epidemiologia Molecular i Genètica en Infeccions i Càncer (EMG) Principal investigator: Alemany L Ref.: 2021SGR01354 Amount awarded: 58847,19 EUR Duration: 2023-2025 State: Awarded
Funding body: Fundació Leitat Project title: Leveraging Genomics and AI for Non-Invasive Detection of Endometrial Cancer, a Urine Sample Solution: GAIN-EC Principal investigator: Costas L Ref.: CIMTI Challenge Call 2023 Amount awarded: 0 EUR Duration: 2023-2025 State: Awarded
Funding body: Merck / MSD Sanofi-Pasteur Project title: Self vs. Clinician: Pioneering HPV Detection in Our Hands. (aSELF-GEN: Anal Self-Sampling for Effective HPV Genotyping) Principal investigator: Cristina Agustí (CEEISCAT), Paytubi S Ref.: IISP 101906 Amount awarded: 38.784,14€ Duration: 2024-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: CIBER Project title: Novel non-invasive test to early detect endometrial cancer based on genomic exploitation and microscopy imaging of urine samples Principal investigator: Costas L, Salamanca-Fernandez E Co-investigators: Alemany L, Olea N, Matias-Guiu X, Capellà G, Dobaño C, et al Amount awarded: 50000 EUR Duration: 2023-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: MSD España Project title: Reduction of VIral InFectivity and Transmision in HPV positive women before and after vaccination with GARDASIL-9. The effect in oral and anal body fluids and after one or two doses (RIFT-HPV2) Principal investigator: Bosch FX Co-investigators: Pavon MA Ref.: IISP 60552 (RIFT2) Amount awarded: 140.478, 25EUR Duration: 2021-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Novel human and viral biomarkers to detect anal high-grade intraepithelial lesions and cost-effectiveness analysis among MSM living with HIV Principal investigator: Paytubi S Ref.: PI20/01836 Amount awarded: 127.050 EUR Duration: 2021-2024 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: ¿Es la vacunación una estrategia adecuada para limitar la infectividad del virus en mujeres positivas para el VPH? (HPV-VIOLIN) Principal investigator: Pavon MA Co-investigators: Bosch FX Ref.: PI20/01819 Amount awarded: 173.030 EUR Duration: 2021-2025 State: Awarded
Funding body: MSD España Project title: Reduction of VIral InFectivity and Transmision in HPV positive women before and after vaccination with GARDASIL-9 (RIFT-HPV1) Principal investigator: Pavon MA Co-investigators: Bosch FX Ref.: IISP 59383 (RIFT1) Amount awarded: 177.148 EUR Duration: 2020-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: Ajuntament de l'Hospitalet de Llobregat Project title: EINA EDUCATIVA PAPILLOMATTACK Principal investigator: Asensio L Ref.: PAPILLOMATTACK Amount awarded: 5.290€ Duration: 2023-2023
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Contratos Predoctorales de Formación en Investigación en salud (PFIS): Papel de la variabilidad viral, APOBEC y ARNs reguladores de la transcripción en la progresión del carcinoma de vulva asociado a la infección por el virus del papiloma humano 16 Principal investigator: Bosch FX Ref.: FI18/00244 Amount awarded: 82.400 EUR Duration: 2019-2023 State: Awarded
Funding body: INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III - ISCIII Project title: Identificación de Nuevas Variantes genéticas del Virus del Papiloma Humano-16 ASociadas a la progresión Invasiva del carcinoma de Vulva (VPH16-INVASIV) Principal investigator: Pavón MA Co-investigators: Bosch FX Ref.: PI17/00123 Amount awarded: 75.020 EUR Duration: 2017-2022 State: Awarded
Funding body: European Commission - EC Project title: MEsHH - DNA MEthylation for HPV-related disease among women living with HIV - MSCA-IF-2017 Principal investigator: de Sanjosé Llongueras S, Alemany L, Pavon MA Ref.: Proposal number: 796581 Amount awarded: 158121,60 EUR Duration: 2018-2020 State: Awarded