Ainhoa Botella Cayuelas

Research support

Ainhoa Botella Cayuelas

I am graduated in Biomedical Sciences (University of Lleida, 2021) and a Master's Degree in Therapeutic Targets of Cell Signaling (University of Alcalá, Madrid, 2022). Nowadays, I am finishing a Master's Degree in Clinical Trial Monitoring and Pharmaceutical Development (INESEM Business School, Granada, 2023).

All these formative years have provided me a solid scientific background and the opportunity of working in different laboratories learning the most important techniques and procedures used in scientific investigations. In 2017 I worked at the research group “Desarrollo y Evolución del Cerebro” at IRB-Lleida Institute (Fundació Dr. Pifarré).

In 2019 I had the opportunity to work as Research Assistant at the research group “Embriología Experimental” at the Institue of Neurosciences (CSIC-UMH, Alicante). In 2020 I stay at the research group “Ciclo Celular” at IRBLleida Institute (Fundació Dr. Pifarré). In 2021 I joined to the research group “Cáncer Colorectal” (ISABIAL, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante,) led by Dr. Rodrigo Jover, where I did my bachelor’s thesis “Molecular and clinical profile of Lynch-Like Syndrome (LLS)”.

In 2022 I worked at the reseatch group “Oncología torácica y Clínico-Traslacional“led by Dr. Jon Zugazagoitia, where I did my master’s thesis “Study of CD44 as a novel indicative biomarker of sensitivity to PD-1 axis blockade in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)”.

Now, I am focused on the field of clinical trials. In March 2023, I joined the Cancer Epidemiology Research Program (PREC) of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO/IDIBELL). I am working as Data Entry at different projects of multiple myeloma, and I am also collaborating as Study Coordinator in observational clinical trials at Moises Broggi Hospital.



Botella Cayuelas, Ainhoa; Abraham Molero, Magdalena; Zugazagoitia Fraile, Jon (2022) Estudio de CD44 como un posible nuevo biomarcador indicativo de sensibilidad al bloqueo del eje PD-1 en cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas (CPCNP) avanzado. dianas