Ana Esteban Miro
Laboratory technician

Ana Esteban Miró holds degrees as Clinical Laboratory Technician (Tortosa 2005) and as Pathology Technician (Tarragona 2007), a degree in Biomedicine (University of Barcelona 2013), and a Master in Integrated Systems for Quality Management, Environment, R + D + I and Occupational Risk (National Distance Education University-UNED 2014).
She currently works for the Epidemiology Department at the Catalan Institute of Oncology in the Infections and Cancer Laboratory as a laboratory technician. Her duties include microscope slide sectioning, staining and tissue embedding for national and international studies as well as collaborations with other research groups within the institute. She also works in the HPV DNA testing of the cervical cancer screening program in Catalonia, which is coordinated by PREC, and in diagnostic viral test in HPs-related diseases.
Also, she would like to advance in her knowledge from the relationship of different HPV infections and cancer.
Email: aesteban