Arnau Guasch Girbau
Research support

Arnau Guasch holds a Bachelor of Science in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Autonomous University of Barcelona - UAB, 2019) and a Master of Science in Global Health (Barcelona Institute for Global Health and University of Barcelona - ISGlobal and UB, 2021).
After conducting his final degree thesis in pharmacology developing novel drug delivery systems in the frame of the Smart4Fabry project Smart 4 Fabry working between Nanomol Research Group and the start-up Nanomol Technologies, he decided to collaborate with different NGOs in Guatemala in the fields of health promotion, community empowerment and children education Fundació Sida i Societat.
After that experience and his training at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, where he conducted his final master’s thesis within the Nanomalaria Research Group IBEC (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia), he turned his interests into global health and clinical research.
In October 2021, he joined the Catalan Institute of Oncology (IDIBELL/ICO) within the Head and Neck Cancer Unit as a Clinical Study Coordinator for the PRESERVE project (funded by an ERAPerMed grant). Since then, he has been working as the Clinical Research Coordinator of the group, coordinating and providing support in various projects.
Recently he has joined the Cancer Epidemiology Research Program (PREC) to coordinate and provide support in different projects, in parallel with his activities as Research Coordinator of the Head and Neck Cancer Unit.
Email: aguasch