Beatriz Pelegrina
Research support
Beatriz Pelegrina holds a Biology degree (University of Granada - UGR, 2015), and a Master in bioinformatics and biostatistics (Open University of Catalonia - UOC and University of Barcelona - UB, 2020).
After a year and a half living in england, she came back to Spain and she worked for a year as a laboratory technician at the University of Almería (UAL) with the Residues of Pesticide research group in 2017. After that, she enrolled in the master’s degree in Bioinformatics and biostatistics. She carried out the training practices and her master's thesis in omics data analysis in collaboration with the Hereditary cancer group of Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) in the Screenwide project (Screening Signature of Endometrial and Ovarian Cancers: Options for Early Detection.
In 2020 she joined the Cancer Epidemiology Research Program (PREC) of the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO/IDIBELL), as bioinformatician in the Screenwide project. Her main activity was to develop an automated pipeline for identification and annotation of somatic mutations at low frequency in minimally invasive gynecological samples for the early diagnosis of endometrial and ovarian cancer.
Nowadays, she is focused on improving the sensitivity and specificity of the pipeline designed by filtering variants to keep only those with a better performance in diagnosing patients with endometrial or ovarian cancer. She is also involved in the Screenwide project 2 which focuses on screening for endometrial cancer using self-sampling and urine samples.
Email: bpelegrina
Costas L, Frias-Gomez J, Benavente Moreno Y, (…) Pelegrina B et al. Night work, chronotype and risk of endometrial cancer in the Screenwide case-control study. Occup Environ Med. 2022 Feb 24. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2021-108080
Peremiquel-Trillas P, Paytubi S, Pelegrina B et al. An Integrated Approach for the Early Detection of Endometrial and Ovarian Cancers (Screenwide Study): Rationale, Study Design and Pilot Study. J. Pers. Med. 2022, 12, 1074. doi: 10.3390/jpm12071074.