Esther Roura Fornells
Research support

Esther Roura holds a Statistics degree (Polytechnic University of Catalonia-UPC, 2005), a Master of Public Health (Pompeu Fabra University-UPF, 2009) and a PhD in Medicine and Translational Research (University of Barcelona-UB, 2018).
In 2005 she joined the Cancer Epidemiology Research Program (PREC) at the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) as biostatistician. Since then, she has coordinated six phase-II and phase-III clinical trials of the bivalent, quadrivalent and polyvalent HPV vaccines. She has also performed statistical analyses of two epidemiological studies conducted in Spain on HPV-related diseases: HPV infection, cervical cancer screening and sexual behaviour indicators in the general female population (AFRODITA study), and HPV prevalence and predictors of HPV infection in a population of women undergoing routine cervical cancer screening (CLEOPATRE study). She has also worked in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Cervix study as principal coordinator and in charge of statistical analyses and final publications, evaluating the associations between several risk factors and cervical cancer risk.
She is currently a member of UNIC-I&I team at PREC, where she participates in the evaluation and monitoring of the impact of the HPV vaccination program in Catalonia using the Information System of Primary Care Services (SISAP), as well as in the evaluation of the opportunistic cervical cancer screening program in Catalonia using the Information System for Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP). She is also producing global estimates on cervical cancer screening coverage worldwide in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).
She is author or co-author of 15 peer-reviewed scientific publications with impact factor, and she has presented results and scientific communications at 16 national and international conferences. She is a member of CIBERESP, a network of 50 multidisciplinary research groups from different universities and institutions focused in the area of epidemiology and public health.
ResearcherID: G-5090-2015
Andújar M, Roura E, Torres A, et al. Prevalence and genotype distribution of cervical Human Papillomavirus infection in the pre-vaccination era: a population-based study in the Canary Islands. BMJ Open. 2020 Sep 24;10(9):e037402. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037402
Brotons M, Monfil L, Roura E, et al. Impact of a single-age cohort human papillomavirus vaccination strategy in Catalonia, Spain: Population-based analysis of genital warts in men and women. Prev Med. 2020 Sep;138:106166. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2020.106166
Ibañez R, Roura E, Monfil L, et al. Long-term protection of HPV test in women at risk of cervical cancer. PLoS One. 2020 Aug 27;15(8):e0237988. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237988
Roura E, Travier N, Waterboer T, et al. The Influence of Hormonal Factors on the Risk of Developing Cervical Cancer and Pre-Cancer: Results from the EPIC Cohort. PLoS One. 2016 Jan 25;11(1): e0147029. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147029
Roura E, Castellsagué X, Pawlita M, et al. Smoking as a major risk factor for cervical cancer and pre-cancer: Results from the EPIC cohort. Int J Cancer. 2014 Jul 15;135(2):453-66. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28666
Castellsagué X, Pawlita M, Roura E, et al. Prospective seroepidemiologic study on the role of Human Papillomavirus and other infections in cervical carcinogenesis: Evidence from the EPIC cohort. Int J Cancer. 2014 Jul 15;135(2):440-52. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28665