Laura Asensio Puig


Laura Asensio Puig

Laura Asensio holds a degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Autonomous University of Barcelona-UAB, 2016) and two masters. The first, in Molecular Biology (University of Barcelona, 2017) and the second, in Omics Data Analysis (University of Vic, 2019). She is currently enrolled in the Biomedicine PhD program in the University of Barcelona.

Before finishing her degree, she started working in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics in the University of Barcelona. From 2015 to 2017 she worked in the biophysical research field, where she was directly involved in both biological samples preparation of RNA molecules and proteins, and the realization of single-molecule experiments by means of optical tweezers.

To widen her knowledge in the most sought-after areas of science, she enrolled in the Omics Data Analysis Master to learn bioinformatics. After finishing her master, in Data Analysis she joined the Laboratory of Infections and Cancer (INCALAB) in the Cancer Epidemiology Research Program (PREC) for her internship. During this time, she participated in different projects to give bioinformatics support, such as the comparison of DNA-microarrays of oropharyngeal cancer patients with and without recurrence, or the evaluation of gene expression differences of potential cancer biomarkers using the TCGA dataset.

In 2019 she started her PhD in INCALAB. Her thesis topic is the mechanism of HPV genome variants in cancer progression. To study this topic in-depth, she is currently working in the analysis of HPV sequences provided by a retrospective project carried out by the HPV-VVAP study group and led by PREC. She is also learning about innovative sequencing tools such as Nanopore, with the purpose of applying them in the lab.
